Emergency Repairs Missouri City Surface Water Plant

Repairs are underway at the Missouri City Surface Water Plant as of 12/3/24.

All Sienna MUDs will be utilizing Ground Water until repairs are completed.

During this conversion, you may experience differences in the taste and odor in the drinking water. The water is safe to drink, use for cooking, bathing, and other every day use.

If you have any questions, please contact Si Environmental at 832-490-1601.

Emergency Repairs Missouri City Surface Water Plant2024-12-03T15:13:36-06:00

Sienna MUD Districts Have Rescinded All Drought Contingency Response Measures

Posted: October 9, 2023 at 9:28 AM

Due to the recent rain and cooler weather, Sienna MUDs have rescinded all Drought Contingency Response Measures.

Residents can still help reduce water demand by following the following conservation tips:

  1. Routinely monitor irrigation systems for leaks.
  2. Irrigate lawns in early morning and late in the evenings.
  3. Check indoor plumbing for leaks and running toilets.
Sienna MUD Districts Have Rescinded All Drought Contingency Response Measures2023-10-09T09:28:34-05:00

Welcome to the new website for Sienna MUDs

Welcome to the new website for Sienna MUDs2024-02-14T16:34:18-06:00
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